Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which summarised the results of the 2017 Satisfaction Survey of Residents of the City’s Social Housing Estates. During the discussion on this item, the following points were noted:
- The survey was sent to all residents by post and email, if known, and last year’s email response had been higher. The survey did not need to be done annually; officers preferred to do so, but the additional marketing required to ensure a good response could be expensive. The introduction of a controversial question had triggered a higher response in previous years.
- Officers had been disappointed at some of the results and some were difficult to explain.
- There had been more general dissatisfaction nationally this year following the General Election and the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
- The large number of major works might have swayed opinion.
- The Assistant Director had recently attended a meeting of housing professionals from other London boroughs who had experienced similar survey results.
- The low scores in areas which fell within the control of the Department would be raised with the residents’ Housing User Board, to gain a better understanding. Service plans would be updated where necessary.
- The responsive repairs contract would soon be re-tendered but, given its high value, the procurement process could take 9 months.
- A Member suggested that a key performance indicator should be repairs completed on first visits.
- The additional information gathered during tenant visits, under item 7 on the agenda, might help to understand some of the results.
- Members asked if the 2016 results for the estates could be circulated and asked if the next report could show 3 years’ worth of results.
RESOLVED, that – the report and survey results be noted.
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