Agenda item

Energy Temperature Policy & sub-metering update

Report of the City Surveyor.


Members received a Report of the City Surveyor on the temperature policy and sub-metering. The following points were made.


A Member queried the reasoning behind the target temperature of 21C, asking whether officers had considered a lower target, officers responded that this was a widely held guideline across the industry.


Officers reassured Members that further consultation at local levels would be carried out to ensure implementation, and confirmed that the policy would apply across all major operational buildings.


In terms of the sub-metering study, officers would return in February 2018 with the Gateway 2 report before it goes to Projects Sub Committee.


RESOLVED – that Members approved the following:

o   Noted the contents of the report;

o   Adopted the Temperature policy;

o   Supported the recommendation to deliver the sub-metering works, noting a

gateway 1/2 report will be prepared to initiate a new project.

Supporting documents: