Report of the Town Clerk.
The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which presented the outcomes of a Review of Skills and Effectiveness that had been undertaken.
Noting the report would be subject to further discussion at that day’s Board meeting, the Committee observed that the key outcome was the identification of an increased need for experience in respect of arts administration following the departure of Sir Brian McMaster. Whilst additional expertise would also be welcome in respect of marketing and unreached audiences, broadly speaking the Board enjoyed a good range of coverage in respect of the various areas of skills and expertise required.
Noting the desire for increased strategic focus, Members debated ways through which this might be achieved, with alterations to report format, short sessions pre- or post-Board meetings, and dedicated ad hoc strategy meetings suggested. It was suggested that further thought be given to this outside the meeting.
RESOLVED: That the Board be recommended to instruct officers to develop an action plan with proposed measures to address the various issues highlighted by the Skills Audit.
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