The Superintendents to be heard.
The Committee considered oral reports of the Superintendents and the following matters were raised:-
· Grant Funding - The Superintendent informed the meeting that following the purchase of the waste compactor with 75% European Union grant funding, further bids would be submitted for funding for replacement floodlighting with LED lights and for forklift purchase. The cut-off date for applications for grant funding would be reported to Members.
· Crossrail – It was noted that the land previously used as part of the Crossrail works had now been satisfactorily reinstated and returned to the Market.
· HSBC Window – The Superintendent said that the window incident had not been reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) by HSBC and that the report had therefore been made by the Market. The HSE would now investigate the incident and a report back would be made to the Committee on the findings.
· London Fish Merchants’ Association – Members noted that a meeting had taken place with the Association and discussions on modernisation and requirements to replace fisheries containers in one area of the site. Budget costings and implications would now be investigated.
· Café Fire – It was noted that a fire had broken out in an on-site café. The Fire Brigade had attended and the incident had been dealt with. A report was still to be received but the cause had been identified as a faulty toaster. A further update would be reported to the Committee in due course.
New Spitalfields
· Entry Barrier – The Superintendent said that a 2-stage ‘design and build’ solution was now being pursued. A report on cost and feasibility would be made to the Committee at the next meeting.
· Flytipping– With regard to the new waste contract, it was reported that there appeared to be more accountability now for waste dropped and a consequent saving because of that. It was also noted that an income generating rebate of £13,000 for reclaimed cardboard and plastic would mean a significant effect on service charges.
· Leases – The meeting were informed that a number of leases had been endorsed, whilst back rents of £1,029,000 had been recouped. New leases were subject to any back rents being paid.
· Recycling - The Superintendent commented that approximately 750 tonnes of waste is incinerated and up to 50% or more of this is re-cyclable cardboard. Last year the Market only recycled about 40 tonnes of cardboard and far more should be recoverable. Long-term aims included investigating opportunities for the use of a baler. It was noted that better tenant input into ‘separating at source’ was required to improve recycling as this would benefit on 2 fronts in keeping costs to the service charge down, less cost for incineration and more income for recycled cardboard.
· HGVs – On the previously reported red risk, a further review in October had shown only 3% of movements were unguided, although vehicles using second driver / banksman increased from 22% to 29%. A jointly signed letter from the Superintendent and the SMTA Chairman had been sent to 16 freight transport companies reminding them of site rules and raising the option to the Market of delivery rejections should sites rules not be followed and the use of driver or no banksman continue. In response to a question, the Superintendent reported that on average there were 30 HGV movements a night.
· Apprentices – It was reported that a plumbing apprentice had been appointed. The position had been filled from 175 applications for the role.