Report of the Commissioner of Police
The Sub-Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police that summarised the data measuring the CoLP’s Integrity in Q2 of 2017-18.
The Chairman noted that Measure 7 – Number of PSD investigations principally arising from the use of force recorded “-“ rather than “0” for Q2, which was misleading as it could be perceived to have not been recorded.
The Chairman noted that Measure 15 – Number of procurement purchases assessed by PSD for investigationjumped from “1” to “2” in Q2, and yet there was only a single recorded in all of 2016. The Head of Strategic Development explained that reporting had improved significantly and this should give increased confidence in its accuracy.
A Member enquired whether the “0” figures for Measure 14 – Number of management issues arising from re-vetting of the workforce were accurate for Q1 and Q2. The Head of Strategic Development explained that many of the processes are not yet marked as complete due to the lengthy nature of processing the forms and financial data. However, he reassured Members that increased efforts in following up by HR have cleared a significant amount of the backlog that existed.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
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