Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budgets 2018/19

Report of the Chamberlain. [TO FOLLOW AS A LATE PAPER].


The Committee considered a joint report of the Town Clerk, Chamberlain and the Remembrancer concerning the2018/19 revenue and capital budgets.


The Chamberlain was heard in support of the report. The Chairman referred to the joint meeting of the Resource Allocation and Efficiency and Performance Sub-Committees with Chairmen being held in January and advised that arrangements were being made for Chairmen to be briefed on the financial forecast prior to that meeting. The Chairman of Finance Committee pointed out that whilst a 2% savings target had been approved for 2018/19 it was also intended that departments would be able to bid from funding set aside to reduce the impact on frontline services.


RESOLVED – that:-


1.     the latest revenue budget for 2017/18 be noted;


2.     the provisional 2018/19 revenue budget be approved and submitted to the Finance Committee;


3.     the Chamberlain be authorised to revise these budgets to allow for further implications arising from the Service Based Reviews and other corporate efficiency projects; and


4.     the draft capital and supplementary revenue budget be noted.


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