Agenda item

Economic Development Update

Director of Economic Development to be heard.


The Director of Economic Development updated the Sub-Committee on the work of the Economic Development Office. He referenced that the last month had been particularly busy with key highlights including:

·         The Policy Chairman visiting China twice in three weeks, the second time as part of a delegation with the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

·         The Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between Tokyo and London and the subsequent work is being led by TheCityUK.

·         Engagement is being undertaken with Ireland and Switzerland in the lead up to Brexit.

·         The 10th anniversary of the Total Tax report has been an opportunity to communicate the contribution that the financial and related professional services sector makes to the UK economy.

·         Further investigation of the work that can be done in cyber is being carried out in partnership with The Chemistry Club, which brings together different parts of the industry.

·         Regarding social mobility, there have been a series of workshops, regarding raising potential and best practice.


The Chairman commended the work of the Economic Development Office, which is often unseen and Members asked for a Public Relations and Economic Development Sub Committee Away Day to find out more about the work of the Economic Development Office as well as the Communications Department.