Report of the Town Clerk.
Members considered a report of the Town Clerk which set out the work plan for future meetings.
Members suggested that the Town Clerk and the Chamberlain restructure future iterations of the Work Programme to incorporate the following:
i) merge the specific departmental focus line with the commercial income generation opportunities line and the Monitoring of Savings and Efficiency Programme (SBR) line
ii) under the specific departmental focus select (and confirm) a maximum of two Chief Officers for each meeting
iii) populate the continuous improvement line with more detail for future meetings
iv) include reference to the non-public outstanding item concerning the City Surveyor’s “Table of Opportunities”
In addition, given the late withdrawal of the Director of the Department of the Built Environment at today’s meeting, Members were keen to ensure that officers were providing the requisite support to Chief Officers when preparing their departmental presentations for the Sub-Committee. Chief Officers should produce a written report as a matter of course.
Furthermore, the Chamberlain updated Members on the items under the Monitoring of Savings and Efficiency Programmes (Service Based Review) line:
i) Operational Property Review (OPR), will be reviewed by the Corporate Asset Sub Committee (CASC)
ii) the Asset Management Review would take place throughout the year
iii) a final report on the Facilities Management review will be produced for the Sub-Committee for the 23rd May meeting (TBC)
RESOLVED – That Members note the report.
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