Agenda item

Safeguarding and Public Protection, ICV Scheme

Nichloas Bensted-Smith to be heard


The Committee heard a verbal update on Safeguarding and Public Protection and the Independent Custody Visitor Scheme from the SIA lead.


The lead explained that the CoLP had rolled out a ‘sexual consent’ awareness campaign with the assistance of Victim Support in August 2017.  The campaign, primarily centred around social media through the use of #Haveyougotthegreenlight, focused on raising awareness of this issue within the City, particularly amongst those likely to use licensed premises.  The SIA lead explained that the campaign had received excellent feedback from the public, and was incorporated into the Christmas Campaign in December 2017.


The SIA lead explained that joint funding between Police, DCCS and CST had been agreed for a domestic abuse/VAWG coordinator to replace the previous temporary role.


The SIA lead explained that, following the HMIC report ‘in Harm’s Way’, significant work has been done to consider safeguarding and support of youths and vulnerable people in custody.  This included the development of a support booklet currently awaiting print for those exiting custody. He also explained that a survey was now offered to juveniles on leaving custody to gather their feedback on the experience.  The SIA Lead explained that the Duty Superintendent is now notified of all juveniles or vulnerable people in custody, and consideration is given for an independent visit to ascertain any issues relating to welfare.


The SIA Lead explained that the recent transfers to the NICHE system has enabled CoLP to reduce the volume of paper risk assessments and inefficient processes, resulting in the introduction of Public Protection Notices (PPNs) that simplify and formalise pathways for those identified at vulnerable people.


The SIA Lead also informed Members that the Independent Custody Visitor (ICV) Scheme has elected a new Chairman, Godfrey Baillon-Bending.  The Deputy Chairman was due to be elected in the week commencing 29 January 2017.  The panel was also now at full strength with 12 members, following the recent appointment of a new volunteer.


The SIA lead explained that the ICV Panel Chairman and he regularly attend the Custody Management Group meetings at the CoLP to ensure any urgent feedback is responded to immediately.  An example of this was an investigation into the use of protection for officers as a replacement for controversial spithoods designed for use on detainees which were not in use by CoLP.


The SIA Lead explained that discussions had taken place at the panel over potential use of the NICHE system to record report, allowing electronic records and immediate notification of issues.


The SIA Lead explained that two ICVs were attending the Use of Force training in March to gain an understanding of how officers use restraint on detainees.


The SIA Lead also confirmed, in the light of recent national attention over sanitary protection for female detainees, that the CoLP already met the national standards outlined by the ICVA.


RESOLVED – That the SIA Lead be heard.