Report of the Commissioner of Police
The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police that provided an update on engagement activities across five main areas:
The Commissioner clarified for Members the role of the Mental Health Street Triage, as referenced within the report. He explained that it avoided the use of Police powers for individuals to be detained under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act (s136) by a qualified Mental Health Professional. The Commissioner explained that they were pleased that the total number of s136’s issued whilst the Street Triage was on duty for the period from 31 May to 31 August 2017 had been reduced to just 8.
The Commissioner explained that a trial operation involving collaborative working between CoLP officers and London Ambulance Service (LAS) cycle paramedics over the Christmas period had dealt with numerous incidents which had resulted in a reduction in the number of ambulances required to attend. It was noted that this had relieved the burden on the LAS at a time when their resources are also stretched to the limit A Member stated that they thought these incidents were worthy of recognition, and perhaps even funding, from the NHS. The Commissioner confirmed that there was no additional funding from the NHS/London Ambulance Service (LAS) for this work, though he had met with the Chief Executive of the LAS the previous week and work was underway to continue the initiative.
A Member noted the detailed mention of PREVENT internal engagement in the report, but queried the lack of mention of external work on the ground. The Commissioner confirmed that there was in fact significant engagement within the community currently but that it was important to note that the City of London Corporation was the lead for PREVENT as local authorities had been given this responsibility. He confirmed that CoLP would contribute to any report that the CoL might prepare on this activity to the Safer City Partnership Strategy Group.
A Member noted that Taxi and Private Hire vehicles that were not road-worthy were being taken off the road, and queried whether there was a penalty for repeated offenders. The Commissioner explained that, although he was unable to confirm this, the CoLP do report cases to Transport for London. The Member noted that the high percentage of offending vehicles [33%] was worrying. The Commissioner explained that some of these vehicles may be from outside London, and include those not deemed to be serious breaches.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
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