Agenda item

Handcuffing of Juvenile Statistics

Report of the Commissioner of Police


The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police that aimed to address Members’ concerns raised following the submission of a previous report submitted to the September 2017 meetings of Police Committee and Safeguarding Sub-Committee that contained a misleading comparison regarding the ‘use of force’ on juveniles in custody with the Metropolitan Police Service and Cambridgeshire Constabulary [Item 5 - Annual Update on the Custody of Vulnerable People, Police Committee, 21 September 2017].


The Chairman noted that this report highlighted a case in which lessons needed to be learned regarding the presentation of data.  He also explained that a year-on-year comparison table with the Metropolitan Police Service would have been beneficial.  The Commissioner explained that it was not yet possible to provide trend data on this as the data had only been collected by forces since 2016 as mandated by HMICFRS, though it would be possible to measure trends going forward once a baseline had been established.


The Chairman noted that the percentage of those over 65/66 within the table that had been subject to the use of force was surprisingly high.  The Commissioner explained that it was likely a number of these could be attributed to individuals with mental health issues, and a number to repeat offenders.  He also reiterated that the sample size was significantly smaller (approximately 30 individuals in total) than those of the Metropolitan Police for example.


RESOLVED – That the report be received.


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