Supplementary item - Violent Crime from Licensed Premises
The Committee considered a report of the City of London Police regarding violent crime from licensed premises during the period 7 January to 7 April.
A Member was pleased that this report showed provided figured but felt that trends giving a year on year comparison would be beneficial.
Licensing training
The Chairman advised that based on responses from Members, the most suitable date for a full day certificated licensing training course was 1 June 2018 and full details on the course would be circulated to the Committee by the Town Clerk. Members were encouraged to advise the Town Clerk if they wished to attend this course or if one-on-one training would be required on an alternative date.
In response to a query, Members were advised that new licensing guidance had come into effect as of April 2018 which must be followed. This would be covered in the training course and the new guidance circulated to Members for their information.
Ongoing agenda items
It was noted that the Comptroller and City Solicitor previously had an ongoing verbal update item on the agenda and that this should remain on every agenda.
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