Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the Statutory Annual Report of the City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board, which was presented by the Independent Chair of the CHSAB and the Interim CHSAB Manager. Members were asked to note the headlines in respect of excellent partnership work on financial abuse and social isolation. There had been 4 Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) in the last year, but none for City residents, and they had cross cutting themes which had provided valuable learning. The Independent Chair was very committed to driving improvements in multi-agency practices and work with the voluntary sector would also expand over the next year.
Recent reports have indicated that there is an increase in elder abuse for people living in supported living; has this been an issue for City residents and, if so, what action has been taken to address it?
There has been a shift in adult social care over the past 10 – 15 years, as more elder persons remained in their own homes. This has been reflected in the location of abuse. Abuse in supported housing settings is not a specific issue for the City of London Corporation, however, recent reports had highlighted data which would be useful in future research.
Are you assured, as the Independent Chair of the CHSAB, that safeguarding adults arrangements are robust in the City? Is there anything that the City could do more or less of to ensure adults are safeguarded.
Members noted that the self-Audit process would be more challenging this year, seeking assurance on reflection, self-scrutiny and learning. The Independent Chair has experience of scrutinising a range of practices, both good and bad, and had always found the City to be particularly robust. Members noted a common issue across London in respect of capability in mental capacity, but the City of London Corporation was an example of best practice.
Some of us attended the Financial Abuse Seminar held here in the City in December. Is this issue going to continue to be a priority for the CHSAB? What are the other priorities for the CHSAB that will support improved safeguarding arrangements in the City.
The Independent Chair congratulated the City Corporation on the success of the seminar and was keen to see the next steps extending beyond professionals and into raising public awareness. The Independent Chair confirmed that she would support this work stream as a City priority. Delivery plan priorities for this year (2017/18) had been agreed to address the biggest issues facing the City and Hackney and were included in the 2016/17 Annual Report.
RESOLVED, that - the report be noted.
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