Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the findings of research into neglect linked to affluence. The Assistant Director advised that he had recently attended a seminar with 200 practitioners, which clearly showed an appetite to address this issue.
Can you say more about how this research will directly impact on what our social workers will be doing in the future when working with affluent families?
Officers from both the City of London Boys’ and Girls’ Schools had served on an experts’ panel to consider and contribute to the research report. Affluent families were likely to engage Lawyers at an earlier stage and parents/carers were often only willing to engage with managers and not practitioners. At a local level, the learning will feed into CHSCB Training on neglect and the Children Social Care Service will consider the key messages in helping to inform their response to this issue. The Assistant Director had advised the Communications Director about this work as there has been some regional and national interest in the report.
RESOLVED, that- the report be noted.
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