Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which provided an update on work undertaken with children and young people, with special educational needs and disability (SEND), in the City of London. Members noted the dominance of autism and a recent successful event at Artizan Street Library, run by the City’s parent/carer group.
It is evident that much progress is being made in supporting children and families with special education needs and disabilities. It is good to note that we have converted all SEN plans to EHC Plans. Are you satisfied that the quality of the EHC plans are good?
All children with SEN in the City have Education and Health Care Plans (EHC), with the exception of 1 very new arrival. In fact, some are now on second year plans, which provides an opportunity to review against year one. A new network has been established for Special Educational Needs coordinators (SENCO) in schools. This group will continue to meet each term and develop a network for developing best practise across schools in the City.
How do you ensure that the voice of the parents AND the children feed into the individual plans and the strategic work?
The young person/child’s family are encouraged contribute and set out their aspirations and the plans are central to education and health care provision. All current plans have been assessed as being fit for purpose but there is room for improvement in healthcare support pathways. John Cass School has a network for parents in the process of receiving plans. There are further ambitions to build a network for children, young people and parents, within the limitation of the City’s low population; the Artizan Street event being a good example.
Are we satisfied with Health's engagement in the SEND agenda?
Work is ongoing into health pathways which can inconvenience families; i.e. data sharing and simplifying access.
In response to further questions, Members noted that record keeping for short breaks was improving. Parents/carers are keen to have more weekend activities using community spaces and they have some very good ideas. All City Children with SEN plans had been referred to their GPs and officers agreed to advise Members of the exact numbers.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.
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