Social Housing Tenancy Fraud – Anti-Fraud and Prosecution Policy
Report of the Chamberlain
The Chairman had agreed to an additional item of business which had been provided to Members in a supplementary agenda pack.
Social Housing Tenancy Fraud – Anti-Fraud and Prosecution Policy
Members considered a report of the Chamberlain in respect of amendments to the above Policy, which were summarised in the report and shown in tracked changes in the appendix. Members noted that the report had been approved by the City of London Corporation’s Audit and Risk Management Committee in November 2017.
In response to questions about short term holiday lets, the officer explained that the holistic approach in this Policy recognised this, as it would constitute a sub-let which could compromise tenure. However, Members asked if it could be specific in the Policy.
RESOLVED, that – the changes to the Social Housing Tenancy Fraud – Anti-Fraud and Prosecution Policy be endorsed, subject to the inclusion of a specific reference to short term holiday lets, as set out above.
Supporting documents: