Agenda item

Almshouses Update

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services, which provided information on the City of London Almshouses in Lambeth and the eight Gresham Almshouses on the Estate.


Members noted that, in respect of the Almshouses waiting list, offices are offering St Clements Danes the voids, to help them clear their waiting list. 


Since the publication of this agenda, officers contacted Lambeth in respect planning application to replace the Almshouses windows but were advised that it would be rejected.  Officers were therefore considering secondary glazing, but this option would offer less energy efficiency savings.  Members noted that the Almshouses were in a Conservation Area and therefore the appearance of the glass was protected and, since it was very old, it was difficult to source a like for like replacement.  Given this application had only been to ‘pre-planning’ and there had been no consultation as yet, Members asked for a full cost analysis, including energy saving comparisons, to be presented to their next meeting.  Members were also concerned that secondary glazing would make the windows very heavy and difficult to open and suggested that it might be worth making a full application and appealing the decision, if unsuccessful.




  1. Members receive a full cost analysis, including energy saving comparisons, at the next meeting of the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee, with a view to submitting a Planning Application for replacement windows at the City of London Corporation’ Almshouses.


  1. The Almshouses be included in the 1% rent reduction, at a cost of £2410, to the City of London Corporation Almshouses Trust.



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