Agenda item

City Corporation's Response to Consultation on the Draft London Plan

Report of the Director of the Built Environment


The Committee received a report concerning the CoL’s response to the Mayor of London’s consultation on the draft London Plan.


The Committee was advised that the draft Plan sought to implement the Mayor’s election manifesto commitments and set out detailed policies for the future development of London in the period 2019-2041.


Members noted that this draft London Plan was intended to be very different from previous London Plans, providing a much more ambitious, detailed and prescriptive Plan that could be implemented as soon as it was adopted, rather than waiting for boroughs and the City to prepare and update local plans.


Members considered that while there was much in the draft Plan that could be supported, there were several key elements of the draft Plan that would have adverse impacts on the City of London and to which objection should be raised. In particular, the draft Plan required external design review of development proposals over 30m in height, which would add greater complexity, cost and uncertainty to development in the City and ignored the significant experience on design matters within the City Corporation.


Members considered that the draft Plan target for new housing in the City was achievable and therefore did not agree with an objection to it.  Members also wished the City’s response to refer to the City Corporation’s separate commitment to the delivery of 3,700 new homes for Londoners by 2026.      


RESOLVED – That subject to the comments made by Members being included, to agree the key points and the detailed comments on individual policies in Appendix 1 as the City Corporation’s response to the draft London Plan. 



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