To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2017.
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2017 be approved.
Matters Arising
Grant funding opportunities
In response to a query regarding potential funding opportunities from the London Borough of Brent and the Wembley Stadium Trust, the Director of Open Spaces advised that the general approach of the department was to work with all types of organisations and as Director to encourage 50% of funding for all new projects from other organisations providing gearing and mutual support for all projects.
It was noted that no bid had been made to the Wembley Stadium Trust yet and the department were working with all relevant local authorities and in discussion with some for specific funds, e.g. the Brent health and wellbeing pots. The Chairman voiced her disappointment that councillors on the Group rarely attended meetings. Ruby Sayed noted that she had contacts at Brent and agreed to put Mo Butt in touch with the Director. The Director added that Deputy Catherine McGuinness would be meeting with new leaders after May in a programme of visits with leaders across the City.
The Chairman noted that the four Open Spaces Chairs recently met and requested a list of potential grants and their organisations. A list of priority projects was agreed between the Chairmen to be funded in order by importance.
Members were advised that the department/team at Queen’s Park were looking to appoint someone into a new role to write up applications for grants.
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