Agenda item

Antisocial Behaviour

Report of the Community Safety Manager


The Group received a report of the Community Safety Team that advised Members on the new Statutory Guidance for practitioners that was updated in December 2017.


The Community Safety Manager explained that a new Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy would need to be created. 


The Community Safety Manager explained that information sharing continued to be a significant challenge.  He explained that the information sharing guidance had been circulated to Partners, and was available on request.  He also explained that Home Office guidance in this area was useful at a time when the new GDPR was being implemented.


The Deputy Chairman asked whether the proposed software system to aid information sharing was progressing.  The Community Safety Manager confirmed that he was attending a meeting in the afternoon following this meeting to trial the product.


The Director of Port Health and Public Protection asked how and when the ASB strategy would be implemented.  The Community Safety Manager explained that a draft was being created now, and would be available for comment at the next meeting on 31 May 2018.  He explained however, that the Strategy was a Corporate document, rather than one of the Safer City Partnership.  Partners offered their support if required to endorse the Strategy.


The Chairman suggested that it would be beneficial to raise Member awareness of the fact that ASB was being addressed.  The Community Safety Manager agreed to arrange for an update to be included in the Members’ briefing.  The Police Committee’s SIA Lead for ASB confirmed that she would raise this at their next meeting on 1 March 2018.


The Director of Port Health and Public Protection asked who would approve the Strategy, and the Community Safety Manager confirmed that it would require the eventual approval of the Court of Common Council.


RESOLVED – That the report be received.


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