Agenda item

Outstanding Actions

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee received a report detailing the Outstanding Actions of Port Health and Environmental Services.


Noise Pollution from the London Underground

The Director of Port Health and Public Protection explained that a meeting had taken place with TfL to ensure that they remained aware of the continued noise pollution issues experienced by residents. Officers asked that residents report these issues to TfL who would provide a ticket number at the time of receiving the complaint which would enable officers to monitor the level of complaints made and the progress of these complaints.


In response, a Member explained that residents had been subjected to ongoing noise caused by the trains for years and TfL had yet to resolve these issues, adding that TfL appear to ignore the complaints being made. The Director of Port Health and Public Protection agreed to continue following up this issue.


Electric Vehicle Charging

The Director of Transportation and Public Realm explained that the installation of a charging point at Noble Street in April 2018 remained on target. However, there were delays with the Baynard House site and the target date for installation was now July 2018.


Heathrow Animal Reception Centre

The Director of Port Health and Public Protection explained that an update on the feasibility of expanding services offered at Heathrow to other airports would be brought before the Committee’s July 2018 meeting.

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