Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.
The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection which provided an update on the likely evidence base and timetable for decision in relation to Saturday Construction Work Activities. A draft questionnaire for the consultation process was attached and Members were invited to provide their comments.
The Director of Port Health and Public Protection explained that the draft questionnaire as set out within the report before Members had been submitted to Counsel for their advice and comments had recently been received back which would be incorporated into the final version of the questionnaire. Members were asked to submit their comments to Rachel Pye prior to 13 March 2018 for these to be considered.
The timeline for the questionnaire was as follows;
· a final version with Members’ comments incorporated would be signed off by the Chairman and Deputy Chairman prior to Easter and then circulated to Members.
· After Easter, the questionnaire would be circulated with a consultation period taking place over three months.
· Final recommendations based on comments received would be brought before the Port Health and Environmental Services Committee in September 2018.
A discussion took place during which the following questions were asked:
· Would the questionnaire be available online?
· What number of responses would make a representative sample?
· Would the residential areas around Bart’s Hospital and Bernard Morgan House be examined as part of the evidence gathering?
· Discussion on Member representation on a Sub-Committee had taken place at previous Committee meetings, but would a Working Party be more appropriate?
In response, the Director of Port Health and Public Protection confirmed that the questionnaire would be available online and it would be circulated by the Communications Team to receive as many responses as possible. The residential areas around Bart’s Hospital and Bernard Morgan House would be included and the responses received would be brought to a later meeting, however any decision made on the establishment of a Working Party would be for the Committee.
During further discussion, the following points were raised:
· The residents of Temple were also experiencing disturbances caused by building works, particularly due to the Thames Tideway works.
· Some Members noted the concerns of residents; but explained that the Square Mile was a business city and the building works had to be carried out for businesses to operate. It was explained that the needs of businesses, contractors and developers should also be considered as part of the consultation.
· The level of value of the questionnaire, as the current wording was loaded, and the answers given would be from those with set views such as residents or workers. Some Members queried this point, noting that residents may not ask for the cessation of work, but instead for better communication and respite periods.
· The high levels of work in some areas would result in businesses and residents suffering for a prolonged period of time.
· The Working Party, if established, should have representation from a wide range of Members.
In response to a Member’s query on the establishment of the Working Party, the Chairman suggested that for the time being, matters relating to Saturday Construction Work should continue to be considered by the full Committee.
RESOLVED – That the Committee approve the proposal as set out at paragraph 11 within the report before Members.
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