To receive the Minutes of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood, and Queen's Park Committee meeting held on 21 February 2018.
The minutes of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Committee (HHHWQPC) meeting held on 21 February 2018 were received.
The Chairman highlighted the concern raised by a Member at this meeting that people with physical disabilities were under represented on Open Spaces Committees and advised that investigation of appropriate representation on the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee (HHCC) was currently underway and that an interview for fair selection would take place in due course.
The Chairman also drew Members’ attention to item 10 and the decision of the HHHWQPC regarding the use of performing animals on the Heath. It was noted that the HHHWQPC received the feedback of the HHCC on this matter but had decided not to approve the recommendation put forward by the Committee, the reasons of which were immediately relayed to Members by the Chairman via email.
A Member of the HHCC questioned the legal advice of the Chief Solicitor regarding decisions based on ethical grounds as he felt most decisions by the Open Spaces Committees were based on ethical grounds. The Town Clerk noted that this decision was based on case law. Members requested a more in-depth explanation of the legality of this advice from the Chief Solicitor and for this point to be subsequently clarified in the minutes.
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