Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.
Members considered a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath regarding the Hampstead Heath Ponds and Draft Wetlands Strategy and the following points were made:
· It was noted that the Marylebone Birdwatching Society were supportive of recommendation to restrict public access to the island, and the draft outline of the Hampstead Heath Ponds and Wetlands Strategy.
· A Member queried whether access to the Model Boating Pond Island could be cut off completely with the removal of the land bridge. The Superintendent advised this had been considered previously and had been rejected on the basis that it could cause a health and safety risk of people swimming to the island.
· In response to a suggestion that the wording be changed to state that the public be permanently excluded from this area, the Superintendent advised this could not be done under the 1871 Act.
· The Superintendent advised that netting was already being removed in order to open up the bays and the fencing would gradually be reduced as the aquatic planting matured.
· A Member queried whether the monitoring had considered the surrounding areas and to what extent the increased number of birds was attributable to the MBP mock-island. Was it therefore enough to warrant the change of management focus from a pond for recreational pursuits to a water fowl reserve? The Senior Ecologist responded that these areas were rare with the aim being to increase these habitats not substitute them.
· A Member suggested replacing the fencing with the attractive, unused gate currently located next to the Parliament Hill tennis hut and hawthorn hedges; Members agreed this was a good idea.
· It was noted that protecting the island was initially designed to ensure the protection of the trees located on it.
· A Member recommended referencing the extensive hydrology survey within the document.
· It was noted that the Ponds and Wetlands Strategy should include Kenwood House Estate.
RESOLVED – that:-
· Members discuss and provide feedback on the options for the future management of the Island as set out in paragraph 14;
· Members supported the recommendation to restrict public access to the island and were in agreement with the proposed approach set out in the draft Hampstead Heath Ponds & Wetlands Strategy.
· The views of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee be conveyed to the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Committee at their meeting on 23 May 2018.
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