Report of the Commissioner of Police
The Sub-Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police that provided Members with an update on the Integrity Standards Dashboard and Code of Ethics of the City of London Police.
The Chairman asked for an update on the London Police Challenge Forum meeting that had taken place in January 2018, and a Member advised that, although it was a good meeting, it was difficult to determine any concrete conclusions.
Members noted that, for indicator 9, there were two Business Interest Investigations mentioned in Q3, though “0” recorded within the table.
A Member queried the repercussions of a vetting refusal. The Chairman stated that it would be useful to have a report on vetting that provided clarity on the following (10):
1. The re-vetting process;
2. Vetting refusals and their implications (referencing the 6 refusals recorded in this report); and
3. The different levels of vetting and their associated clearances
The Chairman noted that this issue was raised by the Police Committee at their last meeting during a discussion on the JCCR. The Director of Professional Standards explained that such vetting issues commonly arose in relation to Action Fraud and clarified that as far as she was aware refusals referenced did not lead to the loss of employment for any individual.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
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