Agenda item

Plastic Free City

Director of the Built Environment to be heard.


The Committee received an oral update from the Director of the Built Environment in relation to the Plastic Free City campaign. Members were informed that this was a Corporate Campaign with officers from a range of Departments involved in the workstreams and the Public Relations Economic Development Sub Committee of Policy and Resources would have final approval on the campaign.


The Director of the Built Environment explained that the work streams had the following aims:

·         Developing a refill culture through encouraging people to use drinking fountains and refill points across the Square Mile.

·         Businesses, workers and residents would be encouraged to sign up to pledges to eliminate using single-use plastics.

·         The City Corporation would be looking at ways to eliminate litter and one initiative would be encouraging volunteers to take part in litter picking with Thames 21.


RESOLVED – That the Committee note the update.