Agenda item

Web Project Update

Joint Report of The Chamberlain and The Town Clerk.


The Sub-Committee received a report of the Chamberlain and the Town Clerk regarding an update on the web project and the following points were made:


·         The Chamberlain informed Members that the project went to the Project Sub-Committee and received approval to go out to tender and the next stage is to consult about what the website should do and feature.  It was added that the aim is to start building the website in 2019.


·         The Chair commented that other areas of the Corporation might want to ‘piggyback’ on the web design project, the Barbican was mentioned as an example.  The Chamberlain confirmed that there is a meeting planned to establish this.


·         In response to a question the Chamberlain confirmed that the whole project will cost £213,000 and the ongoing annual cost will amount to £80,000-£150,000.


RESOLVED – That Members noted the update.

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