Agenda item

Road Danger Reduction and Active Travel Plan 2018 -2023

Report of the Director of the Built Environment.


(Due to file size appendices 1 and 4 to this report have been circulated separately.)



The Committee received the Road Danger Reduction and Active Travel Plan 2018-2023 which had previously be considered by the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee at it’s meeting on 27 February 2018.


The Sub-Committee noted that measures adopted over the last five years for road danger reduction had been successful in delivering an improvement in the casualty rate in the City. However absolute casualty numbers had remained constant due to the rise in the number vulnerable road users. More significant reductions in KSI numbers would require the adoption of new and more radical measures that prioritised active travel and supported Healthy Streets.


Members expressed concern at the statistics and suggested that plans to address this needed to be more ambitious to achieve absolute reductions.


Members recognised that behaviour change was the biggest challenge and stressed the need for active engagement with the community and stakeholders, enforcement, safer freight and trials of temporary closures at high pedestrian routes and times.


Members considered that the Corporation also needed to work more closely with TfL to bring about these changes as many of the danger spots were under its jurisdiction.




1)            Approve the Road Danger Reduction and Active Travel Plan 2018 - 2023 for public consultation.


2)            Approve the 2018/19 Work Programme.



Supporting documents: