Members noted that there would be a detailed review presented to the Community and Children’s Services Committee on 11th May, which would include the outcome of the detailed Risk Assessments and the actions to be taken in respect of fire doors, alarms and sprinklers. Once approved by Members, they would be published on the web site. Members were reminded that any works of an urgent nature had been dealt with promptly.
COLPAI Development
In response to concerns raised about noise levels, the Assistant Director (Barbican and Property Services) advised that he had been working with the City Surveyor to expedite the windows programme.
In respect of consultation on the Management Plan, the Assistant Director (Housing and Neighbourhoods) advised Members that an Advisory Board had been set up at the Community Centre and hoped to be able use this model for similar consultations.
Key Workers
Following a Court Question last month about key workers, the Chairman advised that he had been working with the Member (who had asked the question) and the City Surveyor and discussions were underway with Guys Hospital. Members noted that two sites at Southwark and Lambeth had been identified and, if viable, would be presented to the Housing Delivery Programme Working Party (of the Policy and Resources Committee).