The Chairman agreed to the admission of an
item of urgent business in respect of a presentation of the results
of a Survey on Children and Young People conducted in April
The Chairman agreed to receive a presentation
in respect of the results of a Survey of Children and Young People
supported by The City of London Corporation and conducted in April
2018. Members noted that the report on
the Survey’s findings was being finalised and would be
presented to the next meeting of the Sub Committee and the
Education Board but the Director was
keen to share the headlines with Members at an early
stage. The Town Clerk advised that the
presentation would be published on the public City Corporation web
page for today’s meeting.
Members noted very high satisfaction levels across all results,
with care users being very satisfied with their social workers and
foster carers. Members of the Sub Committee had met with care
leavers on several occasions and had always found them to be very
engaging and content. Offices advised
that the outcomes from the survey would be reflected in the next
Service Improvement Plan. Members noted
that a request for laptops to assist with school and college work
had since been actioned.
During the discussion, Members acknowledged
the important of a smooth transition for care leavers into further
education, work and accommodation. One
Member suggested a ‘Life Handbook’ which was used in
another borough. Members noted that the Chairman of the Community
and Children’s Services Committee particularly championed
assistance with immigration status.
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