Agenda item

Radicalisation and Modern Day Slavery

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of radicalisation and modern day slavery and how the City is mitigating potential risks in these areas. 


To what extent do we think Modern Slavery is a risk to our young people?  How are the risk assessments undertaken and how often are they completed/reviewed?


City Corporation Social Workers have a very high level of expertise in respect of unaccompanied asylum seekers and the issues affecting this cohort of young people.  An area for development is the template being used to assess the potential risks, which is currently under review.  The new template will be developed to offer guidance on the potential vulnerabilities and behaviours of young people and how to respond effectively . 


There was some discussion in respect of modern day slavery being a far wider issue than children and adult services; ie economic and social mobility and ensuring that workers receive a living wage.  It is therefore proposed to introduce training and sharing of information across the entire City Corporation.  The Assistant Director advised that this issue is a priority for both national Safeguarding Boards and for the Police.  Members stressed the importance of ensuring that all young people are equipped with confidence, knowledge and resilience if they are faced with this threat, either personally or in their communities.  Members acknowledged the good work of the Children in Care Council in raising awareness and always welcomed the opportunity to meet care leavers. 


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted. 

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