Agenda item

Quarterly Community Engagement Update

Report of the Commissioner of Police


The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police that updated Members on engagement activities across the main areas of policing.


The T/Commander of Operations and Security provided Members with an overview of the five main areas of engagement.


A Member asked if the issuing of Community Protection Notices (CPNs) for begging was having an effect. They emphasised that, as CPNs can restrict free movement, they should only continue to be used if they were achieving the desired effect.  The Chairman agreed that, whilst the report was good, there needed to be more evidence of the effectiveness of engagement activities presented within it.  The T/Commander of Operations and Security confirmed that they would include more information on outcomes in the next quarterly update in July, feeding back with figures to Members in the meantime on the issue of CPNs and their effectiveness as a tool. (5)


A Member asked if the Police were gaining a sufficient flow of intelligence.  The Commander confirmed that they were receiving significant intelligence, but this could always be improved upon.


RESOLVED – That the report be received.


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