To receive the public minutes of the Hampstead Heath Sports Advisory Forum meeting held on 14 May 2018.
The minutes of the Hampstead Heath Sports Advisory Forum meeting held on 14 May 2018 were received.
The Leisure & Events Manager provided Members with the following updates:
· Trim trail -Three new pieces of equipment have been installed following a £10K grant from Camden Council.
· This Girl Can - Members were advised that a theme had been set to encourage young women to take up sport at a young age and the first events of the This Girl Can series in June had been successful. It was hoped that these events would grow as they became more popular and well known.
· Highgate Harriers Night of the 10,000m personal Bests 2018 event – Members were advised that this event had been a huge success and thanked the Highgate Harriers for their hard work in organising this event. It was highlighted that 47,000 people watched the event online via the red button, the Men’s European winner (Richard Ringer) had personally praised the event as the most exciting race of his life and that new world records for the 10,000m had been confirmed by the IAAF.
· Give it a Go – Members were advised that the annual event promoting sport and wellbeing would take place on Saturday 15 July.
A Member noted that the short note regarding Croquet mentioned under AOB was not included with the minutes. The Town Clerk agreed to circulate the note to the Committee.
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