Agenda item

Resolutions of the Annual Wardmotes

To consider Resolutions of the Annual Wardmotes from the Wards of Aldersgate, Aldgate and Cripplegate.


Resolutions of the Annual Wardmotes:-


From the Ward of Aldersgate

(i)     “That the citizens of Tudor Rose Court in Aldersgate are sorely troubled by being bitten by mosquitoes. These creatures are a health hazard, as well as a serious nuisance. They have been identified as Culex Pipiens, and possibly the sub-type Culex Pipiens Molestus, commonly known as the London Underground mosquito. What action is the City of London Corporation taking to determine the sub-type of these mosquitoes, which will help determine the source of these pests, and what action is the City taking to ensure these pests are eliminated?”


Resolved – That the resolution be referred to the Port Health & Environmental Services Committee for consideration and any necessary action.


(ii)    “That this Wardmote requests that the City of London Corporation, as landlords, urgently investigates the original intentions of the City when first developing Tudor Rose Court as Sheltered Housing, and the legal position of the present holders of the Head Lease, Hanover, to ensure that the new tenancy agreements do not contravene such intentions, and to take all possible measures to ensure that tenants do not live in fear of losing their homes due to increase in service charges.”


Resolved – That the resolution be referred to the Community & Children’s Services Committee for consideration and any necessary action.



From the Ward of Aldgate

(i)     “That this Wardmote asks that the Court of Common Councilmen do consider the traffic situation around Fenchurch Street Station and in particular the taxi parking/queuing in Fenchurch Street between Fenchurch Place and Lloyds Avenue to include considering reversing the flow of traffic in Fenchurch Street to address traffic flow, environmental and health and safety concerns.”


Resolved – That the resolution be referred to the Planning & Transportation Committee for consideration and any necessary action.



(ii)    “That this Wardmote asks that the Court of Common Councilmen reconsiders the resolution passed at the Wardmote on 22 March 2017 that this Wardmote deplores the state of broadband connections for both residential and existing business customers and requires the Corporation to take urgent action to address this.”


Resolved – That the resolution be referred to the Policy & Resources Committee for consideration and any necessary action.



(iii)   “That this Wardmote asks that the Court of Common Councilmen considers that the location of the motorcycle parking bay on Creechurch Lane for relocation back to its original position as had been understood would occur following completion of construction works.”


Resolved – That the resolution be referred to the Planning & Transportation Committee for consideration and any necessary action.


Ward of Cripplegate

“This Wardmote deplores the shameful condition of the windows and other fabric of the Grade II Listed Golden Lane Estate and calls upon the City of London Corporation to undertake urgent action to remedy clear and obvious wants of repair, which have been evident since at least 2008. In particular the window replacement programme should be brought forward to commence in 6 months and to complete to a high standard within a further 18 months and not by 2021.”


Resolved – That the resolution be referred to the Community & Children’s Services Committee for consideration and any necessary action.


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