Agenda item

Farringdon Pavement Width - Smithfield Market Impact

Report of the Superintendent, Smithfield Market.


The Committee’s attention then turned to the report of the Superintendent, Smithfield Market on the impact on market operations arising from proposed pavement width alterations as part of development of the Crossrail station at Farringdon.


  • The Chairman referred to the difficulty for HGV turning movements from Charterhouse Street into Lindsey Street arising from the proposed pavement width change, which would create a pinch point and very little room for HGV vehicle manoeuvre, and the need for a ‘better balance’ to ensure these difficulties could be reduced.


The Superintendent confirmed that the revised design proposal for urban realm works at the north end of Lindsey Street would be available from the Department of the Built Environment in the latter part of 2019 following completion and opening of the Crossrail station. The Superintendent would continue to monitor progress of these works to ensure the operational concerns of the market are addressed. Following further discussion, it was


RESOLVED – That the Committee send a resolution to the Streets and Walkways Sub (Planning and Transportation) Committee to seek a reduction in the proposed pavement width sufficient to meet the concerns of Markets Committee and Smithfield Traders to ensure there are no problems for HGVs safely traversing the corner and accessing the market.   


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