Agenda item

Towards a Sustainable Future: The City of London Corporation's Responsible Business Strategy, 2018-23

Report of the Chamberlain and the CGO and Director of City Bridge Trust


The Committee received a report of the Chamberlain and the CGO and Director of City Bridge Trust presenting the current draft of ‘Towards a Sustainable Future: The City of London Corporation’s Responsible Business Strategy, 2018-2023’. The strategy presented an opportunity to build on and find new areas of work and to improve the City of London Corporation’s impact across all its activities, particularly through business and work with others. The strategy was part of the Corporate Plan for the next five years and would be presented to several Committees for feedback before a final version would seek approval from the Policy & Resources Committee in July 2018.


Members suggested that the strategy could do more to bring out the good work on air quality that had already been done, and be clear about how different strategies could be brought together and interact as part of the wider Corporate Plan. The Committee was informed that the Corporate Strategy and Performance team were developing a pipeline to track existing and emerging strategies. Members were welcome to communicate any further feedback after the meeting.


RESOLVED – That the City Bridge Trust Committee note the current draft version of ‘Towards a Sustainable Future: The City of London Corporation’s Responsible Business Strategy, 2018-2023’ and give their feedback, as above, for officers to incorporate into the final version to be presented to the Policy & Resources Committee.

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