Agenda item

Appointment of Sub Committees for 2018/2019

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Board had before them the Town Clerk’s paper on appointments to the Board’s sub committee’s for 2018/19. Arising from discussions it was


RESOLVED – That the Board approves the following appointments:-


Audit and Risk Management Committee

Marianne Fredericks (Chairman)

Randall Anderson

Christina Coker *

Graham Packham

Neil Constable (Co-opted with Board’s agreement)


*term of office as Board member expires in November 2018 – can be Co-opted onto Committee with Board’s agreement after that time



Remuneration Committee

Randall Anderson

Sir Andrew Burns

John Bennett

John Chapman

Professor Maria Delgado

Michael Hoffman

Vivienne Littlechild

Alderman William Russell


Nominations Committee

Vivienne Littlechild (Chairman)

John Bennett (Deputy Chairman)

Christina Coker *

Professor Geoff Crossick

Marianne Fredericks

Michael Hoffman

Andy Taylor

Lynne Williams


*term of office as Board member expires in November 2018 – can be Co-opted onto Committee with Board’s agreement after that time



Reference Sub

Vivienne Littlechild (Chairman)

John Bennett (Deputy Chairman)

Sir Andrew Burns 

Michael Hoffman

Sheriff & Alderman William Russell



Finance and Resources Committee

Vivienne Littlechild (Chairman)

John Bennett (Deputy Chairman)

John Chapman

Sheriff & Alderman William Russell

1 vacancy  


Governance & Effectiveness Committee

Sir Andrew Burns

John Bennett

Marianne Fredericks

Professor Geoff Crossick

Gareth Higgins

Michael Hoffman

Ann Holmes

Vivienne Littlechild

Lynne Williams


Supporting documents: