Agenda item

Culture Mile Learning Update

The Strategic Education, Culture and Skills Director to be heard.


Members received a verbal update from Frazer Smith regarding Culture Mile learning. The following comments were made.


·         A partnership of 26 Partners were working together on the Culture Mile project to identify skills and enterprise and a survey of these Partners had been completed to identify areas of excellence.


·         Work was continuing with National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts (Nesta) and an application was planned for match funding from the Challenge Funding Trust on 13 July.


·         Working opportunities were being explored between the City of London Corporation and Islington partnership.


·         Ongoing and new projects include: Smithfield on 50, City Stories, City of London Academy Southwark project, Young City Poets and the School Visits Fund.


·         Members were advised that the team were preparing a case for investment which would come to the next Board meeting for comment.