Report of the Commissioner of Police
The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police that updated Members on the rejected plan to install an additional 24 CCTV cameras into the Barbican Residential Estate.
The Commissioner referenced previous reports to the Committee and explained that the camera proposal was rejected due to regulations on camera placements as advised by the Surveillance Camera Commissioner, but noted that CoLP were meeting current commitments.
The Commissioner explained that due to delays in the opening of the Crossrail ticket hall to December 2018, no pedestrian modelling had been carried out since TfL’s initial fact finding and as such it was still not yet clear whether Moorgate Crossrail Station would affect the requirement for CCTV in the Barbican Estate.
Noting the timeline concerns, and consideration of the City’s CCTV Estate within the Secure City Programme, the Chairman agreed that a standalone report for Barbican CCTV in September was not necessary.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
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