Report of the Town Clerk
The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk that updated Members on the progress of the City of London’s Independent Custody Visiting (ICV) Scheme.
The Town Clerk explained that the main issues identified within the report were indicative of a resilience shortfall for which there is a continuity plan in place.
A Member noted that 44 complaints received around infrastructure as referenced within the report, was a significant number. The Town Clerk agreed and explained that this was a prioritised issue for which continued efforts were being made to address. The Member asked if there was an agreement with the contractor to address such issues within a reasonable timeframe. The Commissioner explained that responsibility for resolving infrastructure issues within Custody rested ultimately with the City Surveyor and that he was aware that a new contractor had been sought which had compounded delays. The Police Committee’s representative on the ICV Scheme Panel requested that the resolution of the infrastructure issues in the Custody Suite be kept as an outstanding action. (OR)
A Member noted that a report on maintenance would be discussed at an Audit & Risk Management Members’ briefing by the City Surveyor on 12 June, and that Members were welcome to attend if desired.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
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