Joint report of the Town Clerk and Chamberlain.
To note – it was decided that this Report would be taken in the public section of the meeting.
The Sub Committee received a Report of the Chamberlain concerning the progress of cross -cutting reviews.
The Chairman requested that the City Surveyor return to the Sub-Committee in July (the CS previously spoke to Members in November and February), to provide an update on the City Surveyor’s departmental SBR savings. The Chairman asked whether these savings are at risk bearing mind further recent funding requests made by City Surveyors. The Chairman queried which financial year these requests were granted for i.e. was the baseline 2017/18 budget amended or was it for 2018/19? Officers would return to update and clarify at the next meeting of the Sub.
The Chairman also asked for an update on the asset management SBR review and how this relates to the operational property review and FM. The Chamberlain gave a brief summary, but Members were keen to see more detail. Officers would return to update Members at the next meeting of the Sub.
RESOLVED – that the Sub-Committee notes the Report.
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