Agenda item

Report of the Headmistress

Report of the Headmistress of the City of London School for Girls.


The Board considered the report of the Headmistress which discussed forthcoming events, educational visits, Governors’ visiting days, lettings and an update on the expansion project.  The report also provided details of delays to summer works and health and safety incidents, as well as the destinations of school leavers.


School Development

Heritage Consultants were preparing a Statement of Significance for discussion with City Planners.  Once agreed, the Statement of Significance would be used by the architects to ensure any designs for the proposed expansion project were sympathetic to the surrounding space.  Work was underway to develop the wider benefits case for the expansion which would be informed by a public consultation during the Autumn 2019 term.  


Summer Works

A range of Summer works had been undertaken including the replacement of the astro-turf pitch following the identification of health and safety concerns.  The waterproof membrane beneath the garden above the main hall extension had also been replaced and as a result of these works, the potential source of leaks into the main hall had been identified and covered, with longer term plans in place to cap the brick work.  Following the successful waterproofing of other parts of the roof, one of the art rooms had recently been affected by a serious water leak and would remain closed until after half term with further consideration being given to drainage from the roof to prevent this issue recurring.  A range of works were planned for October half term including a number of planned Summer works which had been delayed.  A programme of window replacements was also planned; however, this would require listed building approval



The Facilities Manager was currently reviewing the School’s lettings contracts to ensure that room hire created no cost implications for the School, such as in providing Reception staff.  A report outlining the changes to building hire would be presented to the next meeting of the Board of Governors on 2 December 2019.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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