Report of the City of London Police
The Group received a report of the Commissioner of Police that provided Members with an update on the activities relating to the City of London Police since the last meeting of the Group.
The Commissioner warned Members to be cautious in drawing conclusions from the figures presented, given the small size of the CoLP.
The Commissioner explained that, when considering Violent Crime, there is a need to be looking ahead, citing the upcoming FIFA World Cup as an example. He explained that they had been visiting business owners involved in the Night Time Economy in order to discuss potential issues. The Commissioner cited the lessons that had been learned as a result of violence occurring at the recent Marathon. The Director of Port Health and Public Protection explained that this issue was raised at Licensing Committee, and there were plans to be more prepared next year. The Community Safety Manager explained that it would be useful to do so in partnership with Tower Hamlets. The Commissioner explained that he would be able to engage with contacts at Tower Hamlets on this issue. The City Businesses representative conveyed his thanks to the team tasked with cleaning after the Marathon, noting that a significant mess was removed immediately following the event. The Chairman asked that this message be passed on to those involved.
The Commissioner noted that efforts to tackle Moped-enabled crime had had some success, with initiatives such as the use of invisible “Smart” spray to track thieves. He emphasised the importance of collaboration with partners beyond the City of London’s boundaries.
The London Fire Brigade Borough Commander asked if there had been any recent acid attacks recorded. The Commissioner confirmed that there had not been. The Borough Commander noted that one CoLP officer had been affected previously, and the Commissioner explained that this was the case, and that the officer had returned to work.
The City’s Business Representative asked if there were any plans for big screens to be erected for the upcoming FIFA World Cup. The Commissioner explained that they were not aware of any plans as of yet, but that this was being monitored. He confirmed that there would be an increased Police presence if so, with Project Servator employed.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
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