Report of the Community Safety Manager
The Group received a report of the Community Safety Team that advised Members on the progress in developing an Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy.
The Community Safety Officer explained that they were currently aiming to raise awareness of the work done around Anti-Social Behaviour by obtaining information from all relevant parties. She explained that the intention was to make ASB a priority, accepting that it was not viewed as a priority for CoLP, with a focus on collaboration.
The Director of Port Health and Public Protection asked how the recommendations from paragraph 40 onwards within the report would be implemented.
The Community Safety Manager explained that there had been increased pressure around ASB in recent months from within the community. He explained that the Corporation had not addressed this previously, but was now doing so within the scope of the Corporate Plan.
The Director of Port Health and Public Protection explained that identifying who was doing what work would be very useful, and especially in relation to the Joint Command and Control Centre (JCCR). The Community Safety Officer explained that this would be a very difficult task.
The Chairman requested that if all the meetings had taken place prior to the next meeting of the Group on 27 September, then an update on progress be provided at that meeting. (5)
The Community Safety Manager explained that it would be a long process considering the approvals required, but they hoped to have the strategy mapped out. The Chairman noted that actions could be taken in the meantime, regardless of the final strategy’s approval date in the future.
The Commissioner of Police noted that it would be useful to have the ideas represented within the strategy maintained in the daily consciousness of partners in order to aid with problem solving actions. He explained that there was no reason to wait for long time periods for updates.
The Community Safety Team requested that any further questions that arise from Partners be submitted to them in due course.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
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