Agenda item

Fire Safety Review - HRA Properties

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which advised them of work done in respect of potential improvements to enhance the safety of the City Corporation’s social housing residents, in the event of fire. 


Members noted that Dame Judith Hackitt’s independent report into the Grenfell Tower tragedy had been published shortly after the last meeting of the Community and Children’s Services Committee. The report, which concluded that the current processes and procedures relating to fire safety are not ‘fit for purpose’, did not recommend retrospective measures such as the fitting of sprinklers in high-rise tower bocks. Members also noted that the Fire Risk Assessments would be published tomorrow (6th June 2018).


The Assistant Director advised that the final 3 properties in Great Arthur House, where access had not been achieved to install the fire alarm system, had been booked in for this week. Once completed, the LFB will be asked to approve the release of the Waking Watch. Members congratulated officers on gaining access to the remaining properties.


Members noted that, following Counsel’s opinion, a report on the implications of recharging for retrospective fire enhancements would be presented to the next meetings of the Sub and Grand Committees.  The Assistant Director explained that, as the substance of this report and proposed actions were likely to stray into paragraph 3 of the Local Government Act; i.e. commercial sensitivities, then it would be an exempt report. 


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.


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