Agenda item

Social Housing Tenancy Fraud - Annual Report 2017/18

Report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Community and Children’s Services. 


Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which provided an overview of the work undertaken by the Anti-Fraud Team to tackle social housing tenancy fraud during the 2017/18 reporting year. 


During questions on this report, the following points were noted:


  • The forthcoming comprehensive audit of all social housing in the City would provide further intelligence on potential and suspected fraud, as would membership of the London Fraud Hub.  The officer advised that a return of 16 properties was fair, based on the current level of resources within the team. 


  • All long-term tenants were visited on a 3-yearly cycle and the above mentioned social housing audit would commence shortly and last for a 6 month period.  The Assistant Director introduced the new manager who would be overseeing the audit.  Members noted that, in addition to fraud, the audit would seek to detect concerns in respect of fire safety, safeguarding, vulnerability and benefit entitlements.  The findings of this audit, together with recommendations and monitoring information would be reported back to the Sub Committee.


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.


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