Agenda item

City of London Local Plan Review: Proposed draft policies

Report of the Director of the Built Environment.


Consideration was given to a report of the Director of the Built Environment which sought comments on the proposed draft policies for the Local Plan in relation to Open Spaces and Green Infrastructure.


Members made suggestions as follows:


·                     Need to enhance the need for cleanliness, especially in areas where smokers congregate.


·                     Consider how smoking can be discouraged in public areas and actively promote healthy living


·                     Encourage developers to design buildings to include open spaces and take responsibility for the cleaning and maintenance of the open space around them. (Explore the possibility of introducing byelaws to enforce this)


·                     Policy DM X.X – ‘Where a loss of existing open space is proposed, it will be replaced on redevelopment by open space of ‘improved’ (not equal) quantity and quality.


·                     Encourage more green ‘walls’ as well as roofs.


RESOLVED – To agree the proposed draft policies in relation to Open Spaces and Green Infrastructure.


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