Agenda item

SIA Update - Safeguarding and Public Protection, ICV Scheme

Nicholas Bensted-Smith to be heard.


The Committee heard from the SIA Lead for Safeguarding, Public Protection and the ICV Scheme.


The SIA Lead explained that a National Vulnerability Action Plan was in place.


The SIA Lead explained that an Employers’ Initiative on Domestic Abuse had already attracted more than 170 members, and enabled employers to exchange information on best practice. The Chairman asked if there were figures that could demonstrate its effects on Domestic Abuse (5).  The Commander of Operations and Security confirmed that there were measurable figures but explained that the narrative was also important to highlight progress in this area.


The SIA Lead noted that an SOS Bus had been deployed on 11 July to offer support for those consuming alcohol or drugs.


The SIA Lead asked if the lack of a usable custody suite was still an issue and the Commander of Operations and Security confirmed that a drainage issue still remained.


RESOLVED – That the SIA Lead for Safeguarding, Public Protection and the ICV Scheme be heard.