Agenda item

Appointment of the Social Investment Board

a) Resolution of the Investment Committee of 9 May 2018;

b) Note of the Town Clerk setting out the composition, quorum and terms of reference of the Board;

c) Membership of the Social Investment Board 2017/18; and

d) Co-option protocol for the Financial, Property and Social Investment Boards.


 The Board considered a resolution of the Investment Committee, a note of the Town Clerk setting out the composition, quorum and terms of reference of the Board, the Membership of the Board for 2017/18, and the co-option protocol for the Financial, Property and Social Investment Boards.


A Member asked that the Town Clerk review the terms of reference for the Board with specific reference to the length of term for Members of the Board. It was agreed that a further discussion would take place once the Board was fully constituted.



  • The Social Investment Board continue to co-opt Elizabeth Corrado, Tim Haywood and Laura Tumbridge for the ensuing year.

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