Agenda item


To agree the minutes from the last meeting, held on 5 June 2018.


The Sub-Committee considered the minutes from the last meeting, held on 5 June 2018.


RESOLVED – That the minutes be approved.



In reference to Item 8 on the agenda, a Member queried the inclusion of the item on the agenda, particularly noting that it was marked as non-public.  It was commented that this would raise an issue around perception of the intentions of Northern & Shell.  The Chairman noted the point made by the Member, but advised that other participants at the Pool of London Workshop in April 2018 had been given the same opportunity to present their views on the area to the Sub-Committee and had not taken up this offer.  The Director of the Built Environment advised the Sub-Committee that this was simply an opportunity for individuals or groups to present their views on the future of the Pool of London area to help Members be better informed when at later meetings they consider and make decisions on planning policy.   A second Member noted that similar briefings occurred on occasion without being subject to their own agenda item and noted that any policy decision-making on the subject would always be done in a public session.  The Chairman asked if Members were content to note the concerns and, given the assurances that equal opportunity had been given to all interested parties, to proceed.  Members were content, except one Member who reiterated their disapproval at the item’s inclusion on the agenda.


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